North of England Art Club
incorporating the Newcastle Society of Artists 


Members' galleries

The Club Diary 2025 Exhibitions NHS donation Monthly presentations Members' Competitions Membership Contact Links
North Of England Art Club - Members' Galleries
These are individual members’ galleries. click on images to enlarge and read captions.
There are also galleries illustrating the most recent competition submissions.

Copyright: All paintings illustrated here are the property of the individual artists and as such are subject to rules of copyright.

To contact an individual member please use the contacts page to send an email but start your message with "To the recipient....." and your message will be forwarded.
If you are a member and want to create a new gallery or update your work please email to the club.

Previous Competitions

Current Competition

Exhibitions 2024

Tony Harrison Prize

Member: Adrian Swales

Member Alan Dordoy

Member: Alastair Sibbald

Member: Bruce McNiven

Member: Carolyn Earlam

Member: Daisy Haggerty

Member: Damian Johnston

Member: Frank Baker

Member: Harry Bell

Member: Hilary Franks

Member: Ian Davison

Member: John Fulthorpe

Member: John Liddle

Member: Judy Appleby

Member: Keith Bell

Member: Kelsey Thornton

Member: Kevin Day

Member: Les Dix

Member: Lyn George

Member: Malcolm Yorke

Member: Marek Kierstan

Member: Mark McGovern

Member: Michael Cuthbertson

Member: Nadina Ranson

Member: Ray Quickfall

Member: Roly Burn

Member: Roz Cusack

Member: Steve Telford

member: Tim Griffiths

Member: ##Tony Marron

Member: Trevor Lockey

Member: Wendy Ranadé